Sunday, January 24, 2010

Monday January 25 class

Writer's Workshop

Goal-Examine Antigone's perspective
Warm-up: What do you think about Haimon?

Hello Lovely Seniors,

I am at a Leadership Team retreat today, sorry I had to miss class.
There are a number of activities that you can do, but 4 must be done in class:

1. Complete Moral Dilemma activities number 2 and can work with a partner. Write the answers underneath your warm-up.
2. Answer the questions from the Antigone study guide (link below) in your notes (also below your warm-up).
3. Finish reading Antigone. It would be nice if you all can do it as a class, but you can do it on your own as well.
4. Send me an email answering the following: What do you think about Antigone's decisions? Would you have made the same choices? Why or why not? Explain. At least 2 paragraphs.

Finally, the project hand-out is also attached for you to review. Notice that your thesis proposal is due next Monday. I know it sounds quick, but we have quite a bit more work to do before the quarter we have to seriously pick up the pace! I am also attaching some other texts that you can use to write your paper; Toni Morrison, J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey, Fidel Castro etc. Antigone needs to be one of the texts, unless you present a compelling argument for using another text.

Have a great day! And in addition to my guilt about making so many copies, I couldn't print these out because the copy machine was down. :)

Clearly, no vocab test today...we will do it next week.

The other texts are in a previous blog.





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